
Symposium Schedule   |   Registration Form   |   Abstracts Rules   |   Accommodation   |   Contacs


14.08.2015 Submission of Abstracts

21.08.2015 Announcement of Accepted Papers

04.09.2015 Submission of Full Papers

18.09.2015 Deadline for Registration

08-10.10.2015 Symposium Date


Registration Form

Your Name  :  *
Your Surname  :  *
Organization/Company  :  *
Your Email  :  *
Telephone  :  *
Message  : 
* Required field


Abstracts Rules

 Abstracts should be understandable in detail with no more than two  pages and not less than 200 words in English for Turkish (Turkish abstracts should also include English translation) and must be sent until 20 April 2015 to the Symposium Secretariat via

Abstracts must be typed on A4 page leaving 5 cm margins on top and bottom sides and 4 cm left and right sides, written in a PC compatible computer with MS Word using Times New Roman 12 font size with single spacing. Title of abstract should be centered and written with bold letters. Leaving a space beneath the title, authors’ names should be written by one under the other. Name of author who would submit the presentation must be underlined. Abstract text should be started after leaving two blank lines from the address line. The person who will be presented to the paper, a CV of not more than 150 words should be sent.



Legacy Ottoman Hotel
Those who want to make a reservation at Legacy Ottoman Hotel will have 5% discount if they indicate their participation in 1st International Printing Technologies Symposium. This sale is acceptable for October 7 – 11, 2015 period.
Reservation request , by specifying the name of the symposium should be directed to the address below:

Antis Hotel
Those who want to make a reservation at Antis Hotel will have 5% discount if they indicate their participation in 1st International Printing Technologies Symposium. This sale is acceptable for October 7 – 11, 2015 period.
Reservation request , by specifying the name of the symposium should be directed to the address below:



Contact information here.