- Novel, biodegradable, and green packaging materials
Zuzanna Żołek-Tryznowska
(Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Poland)

Zuzanna Żołek-Tryznowska is an associate professor with a Ph.D. in Chemistry Science (Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology). She is Associate Dean for Students Affairs (Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology). She is responsible for leadership of the Department of Printing Technologies research areas as a Head of Department and the Papermaking and Printing BS and MS academic programs. She is also one of the creators of the current Papermaking and Printing BS, which was launched in an upgraded version in October 2019.
Her research includes the surface chemistry of plastic films, the interaction between printing inks and printing surface, and printing on plastic films with solvent- and water-based printing inks. Currently, my research is focused on the development and properties of starch-based materials as novel packaging materials.
Furthermore, she has led two research projects financed by external sources, and the Foundation for Polish Science granted her a scholarship for young researchers. She is a co-author of 40 SCI articles – over 15 are in the printing technology area.
- Sustainable Printed and Integrated Electronics: From Laboratory To Training
Prof. Dr. Nadège REVERDY-BRUAS

Nadège Reverdy-Bruas is a Full Professor at Grenoble INP-UGA (France) in the field of printed electronics since September 2023. She is a member of the research group Surface functionalization by printing processes at LGP2, Laboratory of Process Engineering for Biorefinery, Bio-based Materials and Functional Printing, in the Campus of Grenoble.
After academic studies in mechanic at University Joseph Fourier of Grenoble, she re-oriented her carrier in papermaking. She received her PhD in 2002 and was temporary lecturer/researcher at Grenoble INP-UGA Pagora/LGP2. In 2005, she obtained her nomination for an associate professor position in this institution.
Since 2008, she focused her research on printing processes dedicated to printed electronics. To this aim, she managed the acquisition of several equipment to build a division dedicated to screen printing for training and for research. More recently, she developed research in the recycling of electronic devices printed onto bio sourced substrates made of cellulosic fibres.
She co-supervised/supervised 7 achieved PhD, co-supervises/supervises currently 4 PhD and supervises each year 4 Masters (55 since 2005).
She held the industrial Chair of excellence, MINT, during 6 years from 2015 to 2022 sponsored by Schneider Electric in the context of 3D-MID. The objective was to functionalize 3D thermoplastic parts by developing a disruptive additive technology with a 6-axis robot.
Since December 2022, she acts as Grenoble INP-Pagora representative at AFELIM, French Association for printed electronics, being involved in working groups “Circular Economy” from April 2021 to October 2022 and “Écoles et Universités” since March 2023.
- Advancement in biobased smart packaging
Jalel Labidi
(University of the Basque Country, Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Spain)

Jalel Labidi is Chemical Engineer (National Engineering School of Gabes, Tunisia) with PhD in Chemical Engineering (National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine, France). He is currently Senior Researcher at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of the Basque Country (Spain). His research focuses on biorefinery development within a circular economy context. Green chemistry principles and process intensification (e.g. microwave, ultrasound,..) are employed to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the processes used for the fractionation and conversion of the biomass to bio-based chemicals and biopolymers. His research activities also encompass the study of the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of the developed biorefinery processes.
During the last 10 years, he has published 250 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 23 book chapters (H-index: 61). He has directed 26 PhD thesis. He currently serves as associate editor of 2 international journals: Industrial Crops and Product (Elsevier) and Frontiers in Energy Research: Bioenergy and Biofuel (Frontiers) and member of the editorial board of several journals.
- Beyond Seeing: Enhancing graphic technology with sensory inclusion
Prof. Dr. Raša URBAS
(University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. Slovenia)

Prof. Dr. Raša Urbas works at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in Ljubljana, Slovenia in the field of graphic prepress, printing for blind and visually impaired, application of microcapsules in and on various substrates and materials, and printing with effective pigments and inks.
She started her career as a young researcher in 2000 at the above-mentioned faculty, where she worked and completed her PhD thesis on the protective properties of textiles against the negative effects of UV radiation in 2005. After that, she worked successfully for ten years as an assistant professor and at the same time as a deputy director and head of the Institute of Textile, Graphic and Design at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. In 2012, she became an assistant professor of Information and graphic arts technology, and in 2017, a full-time professor in the same field. Since 2021, she has been successfully leading the largest chair of the mentioned faculty – Chair of Information and Graphic Arts Technology with 36 staff members. She is an active member of GhentWorkgroup (leading Creative Outreach), member of COST actions, member of several editorial and review boards of scientific journals, coordinator of CEEPUS exchange network and an eternal optimist and positivist.
Over the years, her conscious thinking about using graphics technology for larger purposes and incorporating different perceptions for all people has led to several successful projects adapting different environments, products, and applications for sensitive groups. Her research and innovations with colleagues have led to new solutions related to adaptations for the blind and visually impaired, young and old, and people with other disabilities. Many published scientific articles, participation in international conferences, invited lectures, collaboration with companies and researchers around the world, participation in projects related to graphic prepress, graphic technologies and materials, and sharing knowledge with students are her motivation to continue the journey – using knowledge for the common good and helping others.
Dear Participants,
We would like to invite you to participate to the 4th International Printing Technology Symposium Printistanbul 2023, which will be held between 5 – 6 October 2023 at Istanbul / Turkey with your poster or oral presentation or as audience. Symposium will be hosted and organized by the Marmara University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Printing Technologies.
The symposium is an international scientific activity for academicians, teachers and educators. The aim of the symposium is to bring together at the different disciplinary research and industrial institutions. Besides this symposium will provide sharing knowledge and research between scientists to improve developments in science and technology.
It is expected that academicians from different countries of the world who are participate in Printistanbul / Turkey 2023 to be held. The presentation language of the symposium is English and Turkish. All the presented papers at the symposium will be published on-line and in print in the Symposium Proceedings Book.
For more information about Printistanbul 2023, please visit our symposium website at www.printistanbul.org You can contact us at printistanbul@marmara.edu.tr for all your questions about the symposium.
Thank you for your interest and participation in the symposium, we look forward to seeing you in Istanbul / Turkey between 5-6 October 2023.
Yours Sincerely,
Printistanbul 2023 Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Arif Ozcan (Chair of the Organizational Committee)
Key Dates
30/06/2023 Extended deadline for abstract submission
14/07/2023 Notification about paper acceptance
04/08/2023 Deadline for paper submission
18/08/2023 End of reviewing process
05-06/10/2023 Symposium days
Contact: printistanbul@marmara.edu.tr